Japan's Proximity to Tectonic Plates

Japan is located at an intersection of four tectonic plates, part of the hotspot known as The Ring Of Fire. The plates in clockwise order are the Eurasian Plate (shaded green), the North American Plate (red), Pacific Plate (Yellow), and the Philippine Plate (purple) The boundaries of all four plates surrounding Japan are convergent, meaning that the two plates push together which results in higher occurrences of earthquakes and explosive volcanoes. These particular plates are subduction zones, where one plate moves below the other plate into the Asthenosphere. As the plate is dragged down by gravity, the mantle melts the rock down into liquid magma which rises back up and leads to volcanic activity. Volcanic Activity Earthquake Activity Subduction Zones Images are taken from: http://education.maps.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?layers=69cb1f185afa47528708dbaa89e0729b&useExisting=1 (Image 1) http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/eoc/teachers/t_te...